Im back: But this isnt my normal bubbly post.

>> Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hello One and All.
I dont know if anyone still reads this, and if you do kudos to you because I am an awful blogger. I am back from Disney. Life is in full swing. I just got a job as a CNA at the Medical Center in BG. Im so excited!! They pay for me to go back and get my RN so that means most of the rest of my college is paid for!! Im so excited I cant stand it. :) Ok, so I start my job tomorrow and Im really nervous. BUT thats not why I got on here. Haha. I just thought Id update you on my life, before I get into the real reason I got on time for the serious stuff.

Ive been thinking(WHICH doesnt always end well. haha) But Ive been thinking of how much I take for granted. I realized tonight how much I miss things and when I had them I took them for granted AND I truely regret it. Ive realize things I have now I dont appreciate them. When will I truely start to appreciate the things I have now? When I loose them. I need to start now. I sit here and think about where my life has gone and where its going. Things I had the chance to do because of some stupid or selfish reason and now I cant have those chances back. I think of my friends and high school. Even though high school was the worst time ever for me(lets just leave it at that) I let opportunities slip past. I should have done things that I didnt; I should have taken certain risk and put myself out there but I didnt. I think about the friendship I did have but let go. I think of the friendships I should have made, but didnt take the time too. I took for granted those 4 years and you think I would have learned from missing out of things. Then I went to college.

My road to college was a weird one. I had registered, got a roommate, and was set on one college. But then two weeks before classes started, I changed my mind. Yes, I had some influences but it was one time I'm glad I didnt remain stubborn in my decision. I transferred to FHU. For those of you who dont know, FHU is a little microscopic school in a microscopic town. To most people it might seem insignificant, but it played one of the most significant parts in my life. I spent a year and a half at FHU. It was by far the best year and a half in my life. I made friendships that changed my life. I heard lessons, singing, and prayers that changed my soul. I played games. I laughed. I cried. I was a part of Social Club that still has a huge part of my heart and I want it to succeed. It is what college is suppose to be like. It was my world. But while I was there, I didnt do everything I wanted to because I thought I would have 3 more years to do these things. I dont have 3 more years there. But because of finances, I dont even have one more semester there. If I went back, things wouldnt be the same. I shouldnt have let money govern my decision, but I did. There were other factor but money was the main one. This will be one of the biggest regrets of my life. I want all of you that are still there to be active, be involed. Go to devos. Go to Clay Chapel. Go to Social Club Meetings. Do it. Dont think twice. Do the stupid stuff. Do the "lame" stuff. Because once its not there you will miss it something fierce.

I had many missed opportunities at Disney. Those linger in my mind. But those wont haunt me like my missed ones at FHU. The reason this post came about is because Ive been doing nothing productive these past few weeks I have been at home. Im now getting a "Big Kid Job." And that scares me. haha. I know that a lot of my "play" time is over. BUT on the bright side. Im sure I will have lots of stories for you to come. What this comes down to is to make the most of your time. No matter what you are doing and where you it up. Live life to fullest(however cliche that might be). I just want to make a pledge to myself that when I am not working and when I am not studying(Im going to school full time and work full time) that I will make the most of the rest of my life. I love you all. I wish a Happy Lord's Day. God Bless

PS I know life is full of should of's. Im not going to focus on those. I was just stating some things I miss and regret. Im not going to dwell on them.


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