Things I love Thursday

>> Thursday, October 29, 2009

So I have done quotes and pick up lines so now that leaves CORNY JOKES!

  • 2 guys walked into a bar; the third one ducked.
  • (You might have to read this one a couple of times)How does it change many dyslexics to take a lightbulb?
  • What do you call a cow that won't give milk? A milk dud!
  • What kind of horses go out after night?-Nightmares
  • Why did Beethoven get rid of his chickens-Cause they kept sayin Bach Bach Bach
  • What do evil chickens lay?-Deviled eggs
  • Why did the pig want to become an actor?-Cause he was a big ham!
  • When Chicken Little was killed at the playground, what did the police put on their report?-There had been fowl play
  • What do you get when you cross an elephant and a fish?-Swimming Trunks
  • Why do male deer need braces?-Because they have buck-teeth
  • What is the best way to carve wood?-Whittle by whittle
  • What did the bedspread say to the sheet?-I've got you covered.
  • How many psychologist does it take to change a lightbulb?-One. but it really has to want to change
  • If a couple is two, and three a crowd. What are four and five?-Nine
  • What kind of jokes do vegtables like most?-Corny ones!
Ok, ok. I'll stop. I've put you through enough! I hope you have a great day.


Im making up for being a bad blogger....

>> Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Im making up for copying the information about me from facebook, and using it as my blog. BUT in MY DEFENSE, I am the same no matter what site the information is on. AND I would like to point out it is you NONBLOGGERS that are making the complaints. Just Saying.


Bienvenidos Nosotros Somos Amigos

>> Monday, October 26, 2009

Hello Dear Readers and Fellow Bloggers.
How are you doing? I realized I havent told you much about me. Most of you know me, but here are some tid-bits about me. .

  • I am a Christian. That is the main thing about me; I try to let it show in my actions and thoughts.
  • I absoultely miss FHU with everything inside of me, but I think the decision I made was for the best in the long run
  • I love to play card games especially Rook! I could play all day and all night and not get sick of it.
  • I could at one point in my life play the flute, saxaphone, and piano.
  • When I was in the 6th grade I was in a wheel chair for a little while because the ball and socket joint in my hip came apart because I was growing to fast. I went to see NSYNC when i was in the wheelchair. Thanks Brittany for pushing me up the ramps!
  • I absoultely hate JELLO. It petrifies me. Yes, I am scared of a food. Just ask Haylee and DJ!
  • I love to laugh!
  • If I have an items of different color I prefer they be in ROYGBIV. I eat m and ms and skittles in ROYGBIV.
  • I want to be a medical mission nurse if I never get married.( and i Dont want to get married)
  • I am a aunt of the precious nephews Canaan (4), Wyatt(2), and Westin (1). All by the same parents. I am an adopted aunt of Mady! WAHOO!
  • I have no sisters. My older brother is 12 years older than me BUT we have the same birthday. My little brother is 2 years younger.
  • If I could do one thing for the rest of my life it would be decorate cakes. I think it is so much fun to do! If it didnt cost so much I would go back to culinary school and be a pastry chef.
  • I write songs.
  • I have wonderful friends and family, without them I wouldnt be who I am today.
  • I miss my roommate, Amy squared!
  • I want to live in Middle Tennessee when I get out of school.
  • I used to show cows. Polled Hereford to be exact. It was so much fun!
  • There are two things that can make me tear up everytime I see them: Broadways and UT Sports! I know thats dorky, but only when I watch them live!
  • I do NOT like to cry. I feel like a baby, and I dont really see a point. I still do it occasionally, but I hate it when I do it.
  • I love to read.
  • My favorite movie is Remember the Titans.
  • When I eat popcorn, my choice of drink is Milk! BUT if I could have only one drink for the rest of my life it would be SUN DROP! Nothing in the world taste better than a Sun Drop in a glass bottle
ok thats all for the night!


Things I love Thursday:

>> Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ok. So I mentioned that I love quotes in this blog. I have a journal that I bought at Wal-Mart a year or so ago, and now I write any good quote in that. So today I decided to share some of my quotes with you.

  • A remark generally hurts in proportion to its truth -Will Rogers
  • The hardest thing in life is knowing which bridge to cross and which to burn-David Russell
  • A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men-Unknown
  • If everyone is thinking alike somebody isnt thinking- General George Patton
  • Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler-Albert Einstein
  • Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and abnormalities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old non-sense-Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Darkness cannot drive out; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that-MLKJ
  • Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever
  • A pessimistic sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimistic sees the opportunity in every difficulty- Sir Winston Churchill
  • God is more concerned with us being holy than us being happy-Randy Wells(my Papa)
There are 10 little quotes for yoU!


It was a blah day with a good ending!!

>> Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Today was a blah day. I met my new trainers for Grand Floridian, when I first got to work. Then I worked. It was not a good day at work. The managers and I were not friends today. That's all. BUT I got to see Caleb's parents Mama Cynthia and Dennis George(from back home)! I met them at Epcot and we got ice cream and talked! I miss them. They are precious. End of Story. Then I went to my friend's Liz's apartment and hung out there. End of my day. How was your day?


Not me Mondays:

>> Monday, October 19, 2009

I worked today. No, it was not a boring day. No, we did not only have 600 people at most in the park(*We usually have 2000 this time of year, 9000 in the summer). No, I did not stand around and do nothing for 6 hours. No, I did not come home and fall asleep. No, I did not get up watch clips of Glee. No, I am not going right back to bed. :)


My dogs are barkin....

>> Saturday, October 17, 2009

I have been on the run for the past two weeks, therefore, I have failed you as a blogger and have not updated my blog. I. Am. Sorry. I will hit the highlights and I promise this wont happen again!

Last week: I worked, went to the parks, and ran errands: Monday-Wednesday: BUT on Thursday my parents flew in! I got off work and surprised my parents by picking them up at the airport! My roommate was suppose to, but I got to! Then we went to their hotel which was shady and stunk. Haha. We were bums.I showed them my apartment, We ate a Red Lobster(the endless shrimp is AMAZING), and then they met some of my friends. Then we went to the hotel and took a nap. Then Mom and I went to the scariest wal-mart I have ever been too, went to Subway, and then we watched Bones and The Office. It was a lazy-but good-day.

Friday: I worked. After work my parents picked me up at Walgreens (after they had an adventurous day driving around Orlando finding a new hotel). We went and got supper, then we went to Downtown Disney and walked around. They got to see the Lego Store where everything is made of legos, and then Mom and I made candy at Goofys!

Saturday: It was so hot! I took Mom and Dad to Animal Kingdom and Epcot! We watched the Festival of Lion King, rode the Safari Ride, took our picture with Goofy, and watched a 3-d It's Tough to be a Bug (which my mom screamed in two or three times) at Animal Kingdom. Then we took a break went and ate lunch at Chili's and cleaned up. Then we went to Epcot. We went to Club Cool which is where you try all the cokes from around the world. I was mean and tricked Mom and Dad into trying the worst thing ever first. I wish you could have seen their faces! It was so funny. There are cokes from China, Isreal, Thailand, Japan, Costa Rica, Germany, Italy, and Mozambique. You get a mini coke cup and try all of them for free! It's a really neat experiences. Mom and Dad didn't get to ride Soarin or Test Track because the wait was 2 hours on both of the rides. So we went to the living Seas and rode Nemo and looked at the Aquarium. Then we walked and looked at some of the countries. Then we rode Adventure Earth, which is where you ride up into the Epcot ball, and then we played some of the Adventure Earth games at the end. Then we went and watched the Fireworks. Epcot's fireworks are called Illuminations Reflections of Earth, and it features a huge globe and the countries in Epcot. It's really cool(but there's not much down here that isnt cool). THEN Anna and Amy got here! We met up with them after park, talked for a little bit then went back to the hotel and slept.

Sunday: We went to church. And by WE -I mean Me MY MOM, MY DAD, MY ROOMMATE, and MY URNA!-can you tell I am excited?! It was so nice to have people you know down here! Even if it was just for one church service. I miss home. Then we went to Chili's. Yes, we went twice. Then home to take a Nap-Which I believe with my whole heart what Sunday afternoons are made for. After nap, we went church, then we went and got Subway, played putt putt golf at mom and dad's hotel and swam! It was a great weekend!!

Monday: I had to take my parents to the air-port at the butt crack of dawn. (aka. 5:15....which is 4:15 most of your time). Then i cried on my way home(and yes I did just admit that). Slept. Work. Anna(We call her Urna) and Roommate(this is my Roommate, Amy Carroll, from college) played at Typhoon. Then after work, I met up with them and we went to the Hard Rock Cafe at Universal Studios. After that we walked around and then we went to Goofys. Anna and Roommate both got candy apples and I got a rice krispie treat. (Don't judge me!) Then we went home ate our Goofy's and went to bed.

Tuesday: I got Roommate and Urna into Animal Kingdom then I had to RUSH to work. haha. I worked until 3 then I met up with them at AK. Roommate and I rode Everst(which is the most amazing roller coaster). AND Roommate screamed like a little girl. It was so funny. I couldnt scream because I was laughing so hard at RM. Then we left AK and went to Magic Kingdom. I was so excited to have them with me! The main reason we went was to let RM see the castle and she did get choked up! But so do I so I am not judging. We rode Buzz Lightgear Ride, Winnie the Pooh's Adventure, and the Tea Cups. We have some of the funniest pictures ever from the Tea Cups. :) Then we walked around for a while and left at 7 to go to Hollywood Studios! We went to McDonalds on the way! We were starving then we had to book-it to get to HS in time to see my favorite show-Fantasmic! Urna and RM both loved it!! Then after that it was time for the parks to close so we went and got ice cream. We went to their hotel and swam in an amazing pool! Then we went to bed. It was a great day :)

Wednesday: We got up and went to the coolest McDonalds ever! They have gormet meals: like shrimp pasta, pinni's, a grill, Belgium waffles, and lots more fancy food. It had a waterfall, Rainforest area, arcade, bowling games, and the fanciest bathroom ever. haha. We had breakfast and then said our good-byes and yet again I cried but not until I was by myself. I went to work and then church. Then home. I miss my real home.

Thursdays: I worked and then after work I picked up my friend Spenser and we went to my friend Luke's apartment. I cooked supper and we watch baseball. When I got home it was 1:30a.m., but then I had to wait up until 2:15 to take my roommate, Texas, to the airport. I got home at 3:30ish and went to bed at 4.

Friday: I went to work. Let me tell you about work. It was an interesting day. When I got to work, I had done pre-shift opening, but then my Coordinator says we aren't opening the park because we have no speakers. (You see the day before there was a big storm and lightning hit the park). So we usually open at 10 but we didn't get open until 11:30ish. By this point most guest had gone to different parks. So when we opened we had 786 guest. We usually have minimum of 2000. We out numbered the guest 2:1 at least. Haha. SO before we opened my Boss had decided to put me on cash at Palms. Which to me is one of the scariest things ever! It was my first time, and I was so nervous. I did ok, but I had a really funny encounter with some guest. Here is my favorite one:

This man, his wife, and an icredibly attractive guy walked up to my register. I can't figure out the relationship of the man and the couple but the two guys were making jokes with each other and with me. They kept changing their order to mess me up, and were cracking themselves and me up. So with the meal plan, you get a dessert and they couldn't make up their mind. They finally picked and I was repeating their order back to them and I said to the man,
Me: "So, you are a fruit cup."
Gues:"Excuse me! What did you say?"
Me: Im so sorry!
Guest(jokingly) I need to see a manager! You just called me a fruit cup! Excuse me everyone, she just called me a fruit cup!
Me: Im so sorry!
Hottie-Mc Hot Stuff: Pound it! You just called him a fruit cup!
Me: Shss! You are going to get in trouble. You're total is $23.16.

It was so funny! Then I met a guy who played football for the University of Tennessee! I was in awe.

Then after work: I went to Magic Kingdom and fell in love again. Everytime I see SpectroMagic and Wishes I fall in love with Disney. The Big Bad Wolf got right in my face and I screamed. He really scared me!(Yes he was this close!!) Then Malificent (the evil woman from Sleeping Beauty) stared me down and pointed at me). I screamed again. She stared at me until we couldn't see her anymore. It was so scary! Goofy waved at me!! My heart melted. I LOVE SPECTROMAGIC! I went with a group from work and they cracked up at me like they do everytime. We rode Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain twice. It was so much fun! We had a great time together!

Today: I was a bum. End. Of. Story. Haha. I did laundry and cleaned and watched t.v. I was a bum. :)

You are now caught up on my life


Wordless Wednesday: My Parents Came to Disney World!!

>> Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Epic Fail(continued)

>> Tuesday, October 6, 2009

So this is the continuation of my weekend.

Saturday: I woke up and hit snooze on my phone and then my phone disappeared. I looked for it for two hours. We(my roommates and I) pulled my bed apart and moved it. We picked up the dresser. No phone. So I finally left. I went to Hollywood Studios with Jill and we ate a Sci-Fi Diner. WHICH IS THE COOLEST PLACE IN THE WORLD TO EAT. You eat in a 50's car at a 50's drive in. There is a picket fence, with car hops, and they play a movie. There was a sky and a stars, speakers by the car, and there was 50's commercials! This place is precious. The food was really good but the milk-shakes were great! It was so neat.
After Sci-Fi, we went and played in the parks! I watched Indiana Jones and the show was so neat. They show the action making of Indian Jones. I was in awe of the stuff blowing up. We rode the Star Wars ride. And on the Star Wars ride my wallet fell open. EVERY SINGLE card I have went flying on the floor. Jill and I were having to step on the cards to stop them. It was so funny. We were laughing so hard that I didn't get to enjoy the ride. It was funny. Then when the park closed, I went and rented a movie and watched it at Caleb's. Then I went to bed after I found my phone. You know where it was? OH let me tell you. It was underneath my roommates bed. Please someone explain that one to me.

Sunday: I went to church with Jill and Caleb. Then we went to eat Chinese, and it was good. When we got home, Caleb guilted to me into hanging out so we went to Blizzard Beach Water park.(Because we were suppose to hang out on Saturday and we didn't because i lost my phone). The first thing we did was go into the bobbing pool to get use to the water, but we didn't stay long there. We went to do Summit Plummet. This is one of the scariest rides I have ever done. It is a 120ft drop body water slide. We took a ski lift up to the top and then 4 flights of stairs. It was so scary. It clocks how fast you go and the person in front of me when 58 miles per hour. Yes, that is just your body going that fast. Anyways, Caleb made me go first so I wouldnt be able to Chicken out. I screamed the whole time BUT it was so much fun!! We did all the other rides , and went in the lazy river and just floated for a while. Then we were leaving and Caleb gets a call, and Linda and Darrell Palmer were down here and surprised us! We went out to eat with them at Bahama Breeze, then we went to the Boardwalk to watch the fireworks and we missed them but we had a good time playing in the sand and walkin around. It was a wonderful weekend.

THIS WEEK HAS BEEN AMAZING but I have to go to bed so I will post more tomorrow. Love yall! Thanks for readin!


I am an Epic Fail Blogger....

>> Monday, October 5, 2009

I realize that I am an epic fail at blogging. BUT this will be a long an very fun and very insightful blog :) Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you ready? I am!! So fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride!!

(PS I will post videos later! and pictures)

Thursday: I worked until 5. Then I got home and went to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. I went trick-or-treating around the Magic Kingdom! How many people get to say that? I got candy from Mickey and Minnie!! I was so excited. There were so many people dressed up and it was so cool. The party starts after hours, so there was all kinds of special stuff. THere was a special parade which was AMAZING! There were grave diggers that did a step routine and they spun around with their shovels on the ground. They spin so hard that they cause sparks! Then their was all kinds of fun parts of the parades! I watched it twice!! I got my face painted for free which usually cost $15-20. YES IT WAS FREE and it was stellar make up. The fireworks were even better than Wishes. They were called Hallow-wishes. It was a special show and it's themed about Villains. The firework finale explode around you!! I love how everything turns dark-themed. And then the next day its back to normal. It was foggy, "scary" music, and lights were all down Main Street. The were ghost and creatures everywhere. Then after I went trick or treating, again. BUT HERE IS THE SHOW STOPPER I met Snow White and ALL 7 DWARFS!! That NEVER EVER HAPPENED! Snow White sounded amazing. She talked so sweetly and called me Princess! :) Yes, I am so excited 4 days later! Ill post videos and MORE pictures!

Friday: After work, I went to the Yatch and Beach Club. When I first walked into the Beach and Yatch club I was in awe. This resort makes you feel like you are on a beach. There is sand and waves, a massive pool, a boat that has a huge slide, sand in the pool. It has the florals and bright colors that a beach has. It is precious and beautiful. My friend, Anke, is from Germany and her program had ended. It was her last in Flordia so 15 of us went to an ice cream place called Beaches and Cream. They have a speciality called the kitchen sink. AND let's just say that our garbage pail looks like a snack compared to this thing. It fed 7 of us! Our tables of 15 people had 2 kitchen sinks. After that, Spenser, Caleb and I went and walked on the board walk. There are stores and it is EXACTLY like a beach board walk. I love how Disney creates worlds minutes apart from each other that feel like they are miles apart. Then Caleb and I hung out and watched a movie. (Here are couple of pictures of the kitchen sink....mind you there were 7 of us that ate this)

I know still have to update you on Saturday and Sunday, but I am tired. I have to work tomorrow morning, but I PROMISE I will write more tomorrow :) Have a great night!


Who went trick or treatin with Mickey tonight? Oh wait I did!!

>> Thursday, October 1, 2009

OK. So i have to go to bed, but tomorrow be ready for an AMAZING post because I went trick-or-treatin at the Magic Kingdom at Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party!! Im so stinkin excited to tell you all about it :)


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