My Best Friend's Getting Hitched :)

>> Saturday, March 29, 2014

Today I was lucky enough to be able to attend my best friend's wedding shower. My dear sweet friend, Abby is getting married on May 31st. She's one of the most genuine people I know. She's been an incredible blessing to me since our Freshman year of high school (that's a long time ago) We've laughed together, cried together, cooked together, Grey's Anatomy marathons together, t.p. houses together,  and sang together amongst many other things! I've been incredibly blessed to have her as a friend and have her play such a significant role in my life.

Abby and Jeffrey's love story couldn't be more perfect. It's like a movie plot line. He's Catholic. She's Catholic. He's hot. She's hot. He's (almost) a Doctor. She's an artist.  They met on Spring Break at a baseball game in Florida. Fell in love. He took her to South Carolina. He proposed like a boss.  Now  he's whisking her away to St. Louis(I'm still working on forgiving that part of the story) and the rest is history. There's a bunch in a middle, but we are gonna skip all that. They are getting married and they will have an entire baseball team of kids with in the next few years with a set of boy twins in the midst according to the shower today. Anyways--she's my person and I couldn't be more thrilled/honored to be apart of her day.


2014 Quick Summary

>> Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ok. So I completely forgotten to update this--even after I promised I would. Nursing school consumes your life just in case you were wondering. So I will update you quickly on my year thus far since the Charleston Trip :)

Take a deep breath. Sit back. Buckle Up. Here we go.


After I got back from Charleston, I worked a whole lot. In the midst of all that working, I was able to take time and experience my first courthouse wedding. On January 24th, my precious friend, Ally, from work married her childhood sweetheart. Since it was both of their second marriage they decided to do it courthouse style with a small reception. It was precious. They both looked so incredibly happy. She sparkled and he was grinning like a school girl the whole day. I was blessed to be able to be apart of it. I was also able to make their wedding cake! We had a reception at Ariella in Russeville, KY. It really was a beautiful day.


During February most of my time was spent working, but I was able to sneak in a couple of breaks with my time off. (I'm becoming excellent at making the most of my days off) Starting with the rodeo. Confession time: I'm an absolute sucker for the rodeo. I haven't missed it in four years. I started asking people if they wanted in December knowing that it wasn't until February. It always falls around Valentine's day in BG. This year I went with a few friends and we had the best seats I have yet to purchase. We were two rows from the bottom and by the gates. We laughed and enjoyed the view of Wrangler's pretty much all night ;)

This Valentine's Day aka Single's Awareness Day--I was single just like all previous V-Day. This is not an "awww, Amy" moment, because I got to spend it with two of my awesome friends. We went out to dinner, ate girly food, creeped on people on the internet, watched a movie, and took absolutely ridiculous quizzes. I wouldn't have picked any other way to spend it

To wrap up February, I spent the weekend at CYC. It's definitely not my favorite convention--not even close--but I did have a lot of fun with my brother and Jessica. We all went as chaperone's. I really do love Alvaton's youth group. They are a quirky group of kids, but they work and they love God and that's all that matters. I really have so much respect for Ryan and Melinda and all the work they do.

 I am beyond blessed every day of my life, but I feel like in March I have been especially blessed. I got to see George Strait and Vince Gill in concert, I went on a cruise, I've applied to work AS A NURSE at a couple of hospitals, I finished up a bi-term class(WHICH MEANS ONLY ONE CLASS STANDS BETWEEN ME AND GRADUATION), and the month's not even over yet. I know I am just giving you a taste of what happened in March, but I feel like the concert and the cruise deserve their own post so for now I am going to leave you hanging.

Have a Blessed Day!!



>> Saturday, February 1, 2014

So I have been studying for several hours now. I need a break so let the blogging begin!

I wanted to update you on my year so far starting with Charleston.

So I have this really nifty friend Jessica Vann :) She's completely obsessed/borderline needs a restraining order with this band called Shovels and Rope . I on the other hand had no clue who they were(other than listening to her gush about them) and until a month ago I couldn't tell you their lyrics. So this band is from Charleston, and they were having a homecoming concert. I love road trips. I love to travel. Jessica loves Shovels and Rope. The next thing I know, I am going on a road trip with 3 other girls; 2 whom I have never ever met.

Let me tell you. That trip was an absolute blast. Jess, Chloe, Ashley and I embarked on a 9+ hour road trip. We laughed for 9+ hours. Ashley and Chloe were two incredibly funny girls that I am so blessed to have met. I know it's cliche, but I really don't care. When I met them it was like we had been friends for forever. We all had the same sense of humor so everything was twice as funny as it probably actually was.  We had some fun-time adventures getting to the hotel. I learned Jessica spazs when it comes to driving in a city she doesn't know. We learned the hard way that the GPS doesn't change time zones and when it says you are arriving in 46 minutes, if you are headed to Charleston that's really an hour and 46 minutes.

If you are ever in Charleston, eat at Red's!! It was phenomenal sea food and very well priced. Friday, we got there late all we did was go chow down on some sea food. Saturday, we spent the day sight-seeing. All day we walked around and gawked at amazing houses, ate more seafood, went to the market, and gawked at more houses. Saturday night was the whole reason we went to Charleston! It was the Shovels and Rope Concert. Don't get me wrong, I was excited, but the other 3 girls were like kids in a candy shop! Shakey Graves opened(He is much better live than his CD). During the concert I thought Ashley and I were going to have to punch someone. For real though. These guys were grade A jerks. But over all it was an excellent concert!

Sunday, we may or may not have eaten at Red's again. (By may or may not I mean we definitely did and didn't think twice about it). Chloe smashed some seafood. I was incredibly impressed. We walked on the pier, loaded up the car and headed home. I know it may not make much sense to drive 18+ hours for a band I barely know, with 2 random strangers and a friend, but let me tell you something I would do it again in a heartbeat. Making new memories and friends is a priceless lifetime experience. That is exactly what happened.
Have A Blessed Day <3 br="">


Oh, blogging. I have missed you :)

>> Friday, January 24, 2014

         It's been almost 3 years since I have blogged, but my dear sweet friend, Jessica asked me about it the other day. I forgot how much I love to do it so 2014 I am going to start recording everything again.  2014 is going to be an amazing year. I will turn 25( I may or may not be having a minor melt down about that), I will graduate from nursing school, start a new career, go on a cruise, see Wicked and Pentatonix, several friends are getting hitched(just went to a wedding today), and many more things. I have already been to Charleston for a girls weekend(Blog to come). I have no clue what God has in store for me, but those are the things I already have planned. It's going to be an amazing year! Since it has been a while, I decided to start with on a Friday to help me get back into things. So here it goes: 5 Question Friday.....

1. Do you have any strange phobias? 
      I have a feeling that I am going to regret answering this one honestly. I am 100% terrified of jello. When I come into contact with it my response varies anywhere from gagging to screaming to a panic attack. Apparently, I was scared of it when I was little too. Your food should not wiggle or jiggle. End of story. No questions ask. Edible things should not move like jello does.
2. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
    I have been told many times that when I was little I stuck a cinamon tic-tac up my noes, but I have no recollection of that.     
3. If you had 3 wishes, what would they be? (no wishing for more wishes)
    My first wish I would wish for there to be quality care for everyone. I firmly believe that everyone whether young, old, or anywhere in the middle people deserved to be loved and taken care of. Secondly, I would wish to be able to teleport, and thirdly, I would wish for my family and friends to be taken care of for the rest of there lives. Not necessarily be rich, but to have what they need and not have to stress over little things. 
4. Favorite kind of bean? Kidney? Black? Pinto? 
    I absolutely love beans. Out of those three it would be pinto, but white beans are my all time favorite!
5. If you had to have a cow or a pig, which would you take? Why
     If I "had" to take a cow or a pig, I would change the word from 'had' to 'get to have' a cow! I love cows, and I can not wait to be able to own a few of my own!


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