Fantastic Fantasmic :)

>> Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hey Everyone In Non-Disney Land!!
I hope everyone had a great day. As sad as I was to not be at Alvaton's Friends and Family day, I went to Concord Church of Christ. It was by far the most diverse church I have ever been too. There were whites, blacks, Asians, Hispanic: you name me a race and it was probably there. I loved it. Today they had a special service and the preacher preached in both Spanish and English. He would say a few lines in English then translate them himself. It was so neat. And two of my friends went with me to a Church of Christ for the first time :D

After church, I went to Disney's Hollywood Studios. I recommend it for everyone!! It was so amazing. I watched Muppets 3-D, rode the Tower of Terror six times and I screamed like a little girl everytime and I got soo scared everytime. AND I rode the greatest roller coaster every which is the AEROSMITH Rock N Roller Coaster. It was so stinkin amazing. We didnt get to ride the Toy Story Ride because it was two hour wait....umm no thank you. haha. BUT Good news is I get to go again within the next five months. :)

Ok, not only does Hollywood Studios have the best rides(so far Ive only been to 3 parks) BUT it has a night show call Fantasmic. AND Ladies and Gentlemen, let me tell you Fantasmic is Fantastic. You're life is not complete until you have seen this show. Its at this
Ginormous ampitheatre that has an 'island' and a lake in front of you. Its a water, light, character, and fire/firework show all in one. Now, don't get me wrong I loved Wishes(the firework show behind Cinderella's Castle) but I am IN love with Fantasmic. I looked for a video to show you but nothing compares to seeing it in real life. Fantasmic is the story of Mickey's dreams that turn into the nightmares with the Dinsey Villians. When the dragon from Sleeping Beauty attacks Mickey, the water infront of you catches on fire!! How stinkin cool is that!!So looks like all you lovely readers are going to have to come to Disney World to see me.


Ashley August 30, 2009 at 11:29 PM  

That congregation sounds so cool. Do you think you'll go there every week or are you going to keep visiting other congregations?

And I'm so jealous right now! I can't wait to go back to Disney! I'm so glad you're having such a fun time!

Anna August 31, 2009 at 4:52 AM  

I'm coming in a month and 10 days!!!

Amy August 31, 2009 at 7:39 AM  

Ashley, Im going to go to a few others but more than likely I will end up going back there. Their college class was really good.

Anna: WAHOO!!

Beth August 31, 2009 at 7:58 AM  

I love Hollywood Studios too! Muppets is hilarious. If you're ever there right when it opens run over to the Toy Story ride so you can get on quick - it is super fun!

So glad you are finding churches to go to, and that your friends went with you. Who knows but that you are there 'for such a time as this' like Esther!

Anonymous August 31, 2009 at 2:37 PM  

i love you so. I'm SO GLAD that things are looking up. I'm so glad that your friends went to church with you. I've been praying for you so much. :) miss you a ton.

Kelsey Carter August 31, 2009 at 4:49 PM  

I am so gladd you are having fun!

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