Thing I love Thursdays....
>> Friday, August 27, 2010
Things I love Thursdays....
I absouletly love God and the wonders he give to us. I take him and the blessings he gives me for granted. Besides His Son, My Family and Friends. I am going to tell you what ten of my favorite blessings are. I dont know if we are suppose to rank our blessings, but I hold a few things in higher esteem than others. Here they are.
1.Stars. I am obessed with stars. I think they are my absolute favorite things God gave us. I dont think there is anything more breath-taking that stepping outside and looking up and having your breath taken away. In the crisp cool air that makes you shiver and seeing nothing but miles and miles of sparkling diamonds. Thinking, My God, made that. The being that created this mess of a person, also created those and He views me more special than the stars. ME! It absolutely blows my mind that God thinks I am as beautiful as something that takes my breath away.
2. Sunsets/Sunrise. Since I have started working nights, I get to see both. The sun is setting when I go into work, and it is rising when I step out to take my breaks in the morning. There is something special about looking at the sun as it rises or sets. How the colors of the sky go from being vibrant blue all day to suddenly pinks, oranges, and reds. How the world is going to sleep or waking up with this big ball of light. God is so cool that he gives a reminder to start and end our day.
3. Bodies of Water. If I could be any animal, it would be a dolphin. Yeah, it would be cool to be a bird, or a tiger, or even an elephant. But I would be a dolphin, because beneath out world of land there is a whole another world waiting to be discovered. A world with brigh colors, predators, starfish, shells, and it's own volcanos. A world that men have not even begin to scrape the surface of discovering.
4. Rain. Call me a child, but I dont think that to this day there is anything better than jumping in a puddle. I did that the other day on my way into work and my shoes squeaked the whole night. Rain is something that is so simple and breath-taking. There is nothing more peaceful than hearing it hit a tin-roof.
5. Flowers. ESPECIALLY Buttercups, Gerber Daisys, and my new found favorite Zinnias. Its the simplicity of a petal that makes these my favorites.
6. Fields. I love living outside of the city and driving around just looking a green fields, hay fields, or even fields on fire. I think that when wind blows across a grassy field, and the grass just ripples like someone tossed a stone in a pool of water is a beautiful sight.
7. Trees. I love them. Especially old winding trees, or trees that stand solo in a middle of field. The trees standing solo is my favorite, because it makes me wonder how they got their. Did someone plant them on purpose, did a bird drop a seed, or did God say "hmmm, this needs some spicing up"
8. Medical Field. I adore the medical field. I hope to one day be a nurse practitioner. The medical field changes everyday. That's why I love it. I love a good challenge. You can never learn everything, because something is always changing.
9. Books. I love to read. I love fiction, non-fiction, historical fiction, and Spiritually challenging books. Occasionally a good sci-fi novel is nice. Reading is one my stress reliefs. It allows me to go elsewhere when I dont want to be here.
and finally 10(Im stopping here, I havent slept in 24 hours ish.
10. Smiling and Laughing. I know it's a corny way to finish off, but its true. I love a good laugh. A smile can brighten anyones day. It can save a life. It can make a person, and without it it can break a person.
Ok, there are 10 of my favorite blessing. I wish you all a blessed day!
God Bless!
i love you, and i think we're the same person.
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