Five Question Friday :) March 18th, 2011

>> Saturday, March 19, 2011

1. Have you ever testified in court? For what?
I have never testified in court. HOWEVER I have been on jury duty and been placed on a trial. The trial was for a drunk driver. It was a really neat experience.

2. Do you still have your wedding dress?
I can honestly can say I don't have my wedding dress. Oh wait. You should probably be engaged or married to have a wedding dress. I am neither of these :)

3. Is there a special place you like to go when you're happy, sad, stressed, etc.?
When I am stressed or sad I drive. I get lost on the backroads where I can cry. I know its not the safest thing to do it drive on roads you don't know when you can't see or think straight, but it always helps me work things out and I seem to pray better when I drive. When Im happy I like to be outside especially with friends or family. If not with people, I like to read outside by a creek or at the park.

4. If you have kids, do they sleep with you? If you don't have kids...will you let your kids sleep with you when/if you have them?
I don't have kids, but I am sure I will let them sleep with me when I have them. Whenever there was a storm or I had a nightmare when I was little I would go get in the bed with my parents. I knew I was safe then. It was such a comfort for me, and I want my kids to be able to feel that way.

5. Do you watch late night TV?
Yes I do. I usually catch up on my missed shows late at night or watch movies. I have a set group of shows I watch every week, but Im normally out when they come on so I watch everything super late on DVR. It also helps me relax before I go to bed :) And of course when Im on break at work its normally around 2am so if you want to count that as late night tv, then yes, I definitely watch it.

Signing off
God Bless


Anonymous March 27, 2011 at 12:55 PM  

1. nope! i'm an angel!
2. well i'm not married, so i don't have a dress. but i do have a picture of the one i want! (which reminds me, i gotta show ya!)
3. yea, its a secret. but i do like to do a lot of driving too. that helps a lot.
4. i don't have kids yet silly!
5. i catch up on all mine online as well!

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