A MAJOR pet peeve.

>> Sunday, November 8, 2009

So, I had a good weekend, but I need to vent about a pet peeve of mine. First off, this is NOT meant to offend anyone in any form or fashion. Kudos to your personal preference. This is just mine. It COMPLETELY and ENTIRELY rubs me the wrong way when Christmas is celebrated before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is hands down my favorite Holiday, and it irks me when people skip over it. It makes me so mad when Christmas is celebrated before Halloween is even over. People are late on a daily basis, why do all of the sudden they get to be TWO MONTHS early. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Christmas, but I love Christmas at Christmas time NOT at Thanksgiving time. I think that it shows a lot about our society when we decide to skip over the Holiday we celebrate to be Thankful for what we have, to the Holiday that celebrates what we Get. I dont think this is everyone's mindset(Shannon, I dont think you are like this. Please dont get offended); I just think it reflects on society a lot. Thats all. If you read this and got offended, please dont. Just dont skip over Thanksgiving. It means a lot. I know Im not going to change anyone, but I just wanted to throw out my opinion. Thats all. Sorry it's short.

Have a blessed night tonight :)


Anna November 8, 2009 at 6:34 PM  

Amy, you crack me up! I like Thanksgiving too!! Love you;)

Brittney November 8, 2009 at 7:11 PM  

Thanksgiving is my favorite!

And I like your new layout. :)

Anonymous November 9, 2009 at 7:36 PM  

so true! i like things in order & it really pisses me off when things are not in order! just ask pizza face or your brother or klento bean bc they love to rearrange stuff bc they think theyre funny and they are NOT! or just ask dk about the calendar incident.....i haven't forgotten boys.(do i even really need to sign now? just guess)

also i love your new fall layout, i wish you were here to see how pretty the leaves are! i miss you!!

Shannon November 12, 2009 at 6:13 AM  

Thanksgiving is actually my favorite holiday ever. I'm surprising everyone and going back home to KY just because I love it so much! But.. I like Christmas decorations more than Thanksgiving decorations.

Ashley November 12, 2009 at 11:21 AM  

Let me just tell you that all the dollar stores in Henderson TOOK DOWN Halloween stuff a week before Halloween to put up Christmas stuff.

Ridiculous. They skipped over TWO holidays.

...I'm only a little bitter.

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