I have been on the run for the past two weeks, therefore, I have failed you as a blogger and have not updated my blog. I. Am. Sorry. I will hit the highlights and I promise this wont happen again!
Last week: I worked, went to the parks, and ran errands: Monday-Wednesday: BUT on Thursday my parents flew in! I got off work and surprised my parents by picking them up at the airport! My roommate was suppose to, but I got to! Then we went to their hotel which was shady and stunk. Haha. We were bums.I showed them my apartment, We ate a Red Lobster(the endless shrimp is AMAZING), and then they met some of my friends. Then we went to the hotel and took a nap. Then Mom and I went to the scariest wal-mart I have ever been too, went to Subway, and then we watched Bones and The Office. It was a lazy-but good-day.
Friday: I worked. After work my parents picked me up at Walgreens (after they had an adventurous day driving around Orlando finding a new hotel). We went and got supper, then we went to Downtown Disney and walked around. They got to see the Lego Store where everything is made of legos, and then Mom and I made candy at Goofys!
Saturday: It was so hot! I took Mom and Dad to Animal Kingdom and Epcot! We watched the Festival of Lion King, rode the Safari Ride, took our picture with Goofy, and watched a 3-d It's Tough to be a Bug (which my mom screamed in two or three times) at Animal Kingdom. Then we took a break went and ate lunch at Chili's and cleaned up. Then we went to Epcot. We went to Club Cool which is where you try all the cokes from around the world. I was mean and tricked Mom and Dad into trying the worst thing ever first. I wish you could have seen their faces! It was so funny. There are cokes from China, Isreal, Thailand, Japan, Costa Rica, Germany, Italy, and Mozambique. You get a mini coke cup and try all of them for free! It's a really neat experiences. Mom and Dad didn't get to ride Soarin or Test Track because the wait was 2 hours on both of the rides. So we went to the living Seas and rode Nemo and looked at the Aquarium. Then we walked and looked at some of the countries. Then we rode Adventure Earth, which is where you ride up into the Epcot ball, and then we played some of the Adventure Earth games at the end. Then we went and watched the Fireworks. Epcot's fireworks are called Illuminations Reflections of Earth, and it features a huge globe and the countries in Epcot. It's really cool(but there's not much down here that isnt cool). THEN Anna and Amy got here! We met up with them after park, talked for a little bit then went back to the hotel and slept.
Sunday: We went to church. And by WE -I mean Me MY MOM, MY DAD, MY ROOMMATE, and MY URNA!-can you tell I am excited?! It was so nice to have people you know down here! Even if it was just for one church service. I miss home. Then we went to Chili's. Yes, we went twice. Then home to take a Nap-Which I believe with my whole heart what Sunday afternoons are made for. After nap, we went church, then we went and got Subway, played putt putt golf at mom and dad's hotel and swam! It was a great weekend!!
Monday: I had to take my parents to the air-port at the butt crack of dawn. (aka. 5:15....which is 4:15 most of your time). Then i cried on my way home(and yes I did just admit that). Slept. Work. Anna(We call her Urna) and Roommate(this is my Roommate, Amy Carroll, from college) played at Typhoon. Then after work, I met up with them and we went to the Hard Rock Cafe at Universal Studios. After that we walked around and then we went to Goofys. Anna and Roommate both got candy apples and I got a rice krispie treat. (Don't judge me!) Then we went home ate our Goofy's and went to bed.
Tuesday: I got Roommate and Urna into Animal Kingdom then I had to RUSH to work. haha. I worked until 3 then I met up with them at AK. Roommate and I rode Everst(which is the most amazing roller coaster). AND Roommate screamed like a little girl. It was so funny. I couldnt scream because I was laughing so hard at RM. Then we left AK and went to Magic Kingdom. I was so excited to have them with me! The main reason we went was to let RM see the castle and she did get choked up! But so do I so I am not judging. We rode Buzz Lightgear Ride, Winnie the Pooh's Adventure, and the Tea Cups. We have some of the funniest pictures ever from the Tea Cups. :) Then we walked around for a while and left at 7 to go to Hollywood Studios! We went to McDonalds on the way! We were starving then we had to book-it to get to HS in time to see my favorite show-Fantasmic! Urna and RM both loved it!! Then after that it was time for the parks to close so we went and got ice cream. We went to their hotel and swam in an amazing pool! Then we went to bed. It was a great day :)
Wednesday: We got up and went to the coolest McDonalds ever! They have gormet meals: like shrimp pasta, pinni's, a grill, Belgium waffles, and lots more fancy food. It had a waterfall, Rainforest area, arcade, bowling games, and the fanciest bathroom ever. haha. We had breakfast and then said our good-byes and yet again I cried but not until I was by myself. I went to work and then church. Then home. I miss my real home.
Thursdays: I worked and then after work I picked up my friend Spenser and we went to my friend Luke's apartment. I cooked supper and we watch baseball. When I got home it was 1:30a.m., but then I had to wait up until 2:15 to take my roommate, Texas, to the airport. I got home at 3:30ish and went to bed at 4.
Friday: I went to work. Let me tell you about work. It was an interesting day. When I got to work, I had done pre-shift opening, but then my Coordinator says we aren't opening the park because we have no speakers. (You see the day before there was a big storm and lightning hit the park). So we usually open at 10 but we didn't get open until 11:30ish. By this point most guest had gone to different parks. So when we opened we had 786 guest. We usually have minimum of 2000. We out numbered the guest 2:1 at least. Haha. SO before we opened my Boss had decided to put me on cash at Palms. Which to me is one of the scariest things ever! It was my first time, and I was so nervous. I did ok, but I had a really funny encounter with some guest. Here is my favorite one:
This man, his wife, and an icredibly attractive guy walked up to my register. I can't figure out the relationship of the man and the couple but the two guys were making jokes with each other and with me. They kept changing their order to mess me up, and were cracking themselves and me up. So with the meal plan, you get a dessert and they couldn't make up their mind. They finally picked and I was repeating their order back to them and I said to the man,
Me: "So, you are a fruit cup."
Gues:"Excuse me! What did you say?"
Me: Im so sorry!
Guest(jokingly) I need to see a manager! You just called me a fruit cup! Excuse me everyone, she just called me a fruit cup!
Me: Im so sorry!
Hottie-Mc Hot Stuff: Pound it! You just called him a fruit cup!
Me: Shss! You are going to get in trouble. You're total is $23.16.
It was so funny! Then I met a guy who played football for the University of Tennessee! I was in awe.
Then after work: I went to Magic Kingdom and fell in love again. Everytime I see SpectroMagic and Wishes I fall in love with Disney. The Big Bad Wolf
got right in my face and I screamed. He really scared me!(Yes he was this close!!) Then Malificent (the evil woman from Sleeping Beauty) stared me down and pointed at me). I screamed again. She stared at me until we couldn't see her anymore. It was so scary! Goofy waved at me!! My heart melted. I LOVE SPECTROMAGIC! I went with a group from work and they cracked up at me like they do everytime. We rode Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain twice. It was so much fun! We had a great time together!
Today: I was a bum. End. Of. Story. Haha. I did laundry and cleaned and watched t.v. I was a bum. :)
You are now caught up on my life