Nursing is scary(and disgusting) business.

>> Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dont get me wrong, I am so excited about becoming a Nurse. I am over-filled with joy that I get to care for people for a living. However, when I care for someone, it means their life is in my hands! Do you know how scary that is? If you are a mom or soon-to-be mom, then you do. If I pull the iv too soon, or read the wrong chart, or misread the blood pressure....I could kill someone. Thats scary stuff. Nursing isnt very clean. End of story. Haha. Ill leave all that out, but lets just say today we did full baths. Haha. Ok, so I am nervous and excited. I realize that as a Nurse, I get to have an impact on each and every person I come in contact with. We all have this opportunity, but I get to have it while caring for someone. I can't tell you how blessed I feel to have this opportunity in my life. I wanted to share something that our instructor shared with us today:

You are what people see when they arrive here.
Yours are the eyes they look into when they’re frightened and lonely.
Yours are the voices people hear when they ride the elevators and when they try to sleep and when they try to forget their problems. You are what they hear on their way to appointments that could affect their destinies and what they hear after they leave those appointments.
Yours are the comments people hear when I think they can’t.
Yours is the intelligence and caring that people hope they’ll find here. If you’re noisy, so is the medical center. If you’re rude, so is the medical center. And if you’re wonderful – so is the medical center.
No visitors, no patients can ever know the real you, the you that you know is there — unless you let them see it. All they can know is what they see and hear and experience.

Now someone please try and tell me that isnt powerful and intimidating all at the same time. Do any of you have good or bad experiences with Nurses? Id like to know.

Love yall. God Bless.


Brittney February 10, 2010 at 8:14 AM  

I ADORE the nurses and techs I have come in contact with at the hospital I'll be delivering at. They are all so incredibly wonderful. They treat patients like humans, and not as numbers. The hospital sees treating patients as ministry and does not see it as a business - like *some* hospitals do. I think the hospital's overall goal makes a difference in the majority of how the nurses and techs treat patients. (Not *always* the case, but usually.) Anyway...I don't know if that answered your question or not. :)

jesmvann February 10, 2010 at 6:59 PM  

I know this sounds silly, but when I had Mady I had all sorts of nurses ( of course ) but one stuck out. Her name was Dani, I remember bc she had tons of dirt under her nails and put her fingers in Mady's mouth. It was so gross. I loved all my other nurses though. So remember to keep your nails clean :) haha

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