Things I love Thursday

>> Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ok so I have some VERY VERY talented friends. I have this friend and I call her my CFF and she knows who she is. She is an incredibly artist but wont give me her work so I cant feature her tonight as well.

BUT I do have a friend named Emily P. who is just as talented and some of you know who that is. Let me tell you about EP. She is one of the smartest wittiest girls I know. I am so glad I am privileged to call her a friend. Not only is she a Godly Christian, she is incredibly down to Earth. We have lots and lots in common, and she is one of the few girls I know that watches Chuck. She is an amazing person and incredibly beautiful on the inside and out. If that wasnt enough to make you want to be her best friend, here is another interesting fact about EP. She is an AMAZING artist. She designed my tattoo (which I will be getting very soon :) She doodles and I have lots of her doodling. Here are some of my favorites


Anonymous February 25, 2010 at 11:36 PM  

ummm miss wells you are full of bologna. rememeber when you wanted me to paint you bubbles? andi painteed you a picture with hundreds of bubbles. yea, shut your face.
ps those are awesome! i love your tats!

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