Close Friends For Life

>> Monday, January 31, 2011

Its been 6 days since Ive blogged, but 6 days is better than 6 months like my normal dry spell. Yes? Yes. Glad you agree. Ok, friends, please be patient with me while I start my balancing act again. I really do love to blog, but its hard for me too when my schedule gets like it is. I literally write almost every minute of everyday in. I am taking 16 hours of classes and working full-time, so when I am not doing those two things I am with my friends and family trying to make the most of things. Anyways I wanted to tell you this really cool story so here it goes. Im going to try to blog tonight before I go into work(Im bitter I have to work during the week with school, but thats my boss for you). Here it goes....

Ive been really down lately about blogging because I feel like no one reads it. I know I have a one loyal reader(thank you Mamaw), but still it is alot of work to sit down and make yourself write and take out time to do it. Ive been really discouraged about doing it. No comments. No nothing. Nada. You know? Anyways. This isnt a sob story, its the back story to my cool story. SOOOO. I was thinking about closing up shop with one final blog last week then I got this really cool email from one of my best friends. Her name is Abby. She is one of the most beautiful people I know. Inside and out. God has her in my life for multiple reasons, but she always sends me random messages when I am down. The really cool thing is she normally sends them without me saying Abby, Im depressed. She just always sends them at the right time. God has us on the same wavelength. I dont think I do that for her; I wish I had her intuition. This week she sent me one saying how my blog was her entertainment for the night :) AND she used my one about the puzzle piece to help one of her friends out. That was what meant the most to me. Like seriously?!(There's the Grey's for you, CC) Her email made my day. So thank you ACC!! We are friends!

Anyways, yall might not have appreciated that like I did, but still it meant something to me. Ill try to blog later, because its Not Me Monday and I have a really embarrassing story to tell you, but right now I have to go. So have a blessed day!
Signing Off!
God Bless


My Summer Options....what's weighing on my mind

>> Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hello One and All. Ive been MIA because school has started back which means full time hours and full time work. Yippee :( not really. Anyways here's what it is on my mind and I thought that maybe if I wrote about somethings would clear up. They might just get more muddled. As of right now I have every intention to move this summer. I am not happy at WKU and there are lots of other things I am unhappy about in my life, and Ive always told people that if you arent happy do something about it. Therefore, I am going to do something about it. So in July I am going to move to either Knoxville or Nashville. If I go to Nashville, I will work and go to school at Lipscomb. If I go to Knoxville, I will work and go to school at UT. I am not sure which I have decided to go to yet. Also this summer, I have the opportunity to go to two mission trips. One to Honduras with Murray State and one to go do Medical Mission for two weeks with the Christian Relief Fund. I have to start working on those if I am going to do that. I have to raise the money. The third option is to go to Africa with Western. There are my options. I know ultimately it is my decision, but if you would please pray for me. Thank you all so much!
Signing off.
God Bless :)


Sanctuary Saturday

>> Saturday, January 22, 2011

I know I already posted about GCG, but I wanted to talk more about the whole puzzle piece concept. When we took communion we got our on piece of a puzzle. I think that that single piece is what made it all click. Something tangible. Something so small made such a HUGE impact in my life. I want to share my revelation to you. So bear with me.

I am just like a puzzle piece. Just like the one I hold in my hand. I am imperfect alone, but with everyone else I am perfect. The dents that I have, the imperfections I have and the random colors I have dont make sense alone. When I look at me, a single piece, my life doesnt make sense, but when you put me with other people's dents, imperfections and random colors we work together. We arent imperfection; together we are perfection. Dont you get it? Alone we are nothing. Together we are everything. Alone we dont make sense. Together we are genius. But this also works in reverse. When God looks at his puzzle, sometimes we are the piece missing. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? Sometimes YOU are what makes God's picture come together. Your imperfections make his picture complete. Without YOU his puzzle doesnt work. How amazing is that? We complete God's puzzle. When we refuse to play the part he is given us, it doesnt work. You have to have all of the pieces for a puzzle to work. We fit. I fit. You fit. We all have a place. Stop fighting what God has laid out for you. Embrace it. Love it because God embraces you and loves you. Your imperfections is what makes your perfect because without them you wouldn't fit. Your dents, brokenhearts, scars, and tears mix with hope, love, and joy to make a perfect picture. You help make my picture perfect. You help make God's picture perfect. I thank you.

God Bless :)


Five Question Friday :)

>> Friday, January 21, 2011

So I was reading Paige's blog and saw this and thought it was neat. So I wanted to share the Five Question Friday on my Blog as well :)

1. Where did you meet your spouse, and did you know instantly it was love?
Well, you see, you have to be married to have an answer to that question. I am not married :)

2. What is your favorite room in the house?
My bedroom. Hands down. I love it not because it is the best decorated or has the nicest furniture. I love it because it is mine and it has the best bed in the entire world. All of my friends love my bed :) Also I have a new couch addition which is great.

3. Can you wiggle your ears?
Not yet, but Ive been working on it. My Dad can do it, and I think its so fun when someone can wiggle their ears. Little kids always love it!

4. What is your evening ritual?
It varies. When I work night shift, I come home and eat, watch tv, take a shower then pray andgo to sleep. If it's at night, then I come home read, brush my teeth, write in my prayer journal and blog then I go to sleep.

5. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
Haha. Sleep is such a odd thing to me now that I work nights. Some days I get 2 or 3 hours. Some I sleep 9 between shifts. It just depends on how much I have to do during the next days, but to function and not be slap happy or incredibly grump I prefer to have a MINIMUM of 4 :)

Thank you for reading. Signing Off.
God Bless :)


Gulf Coast Getaway 2011

>> Thursday, January 20, 2011

Let me tell you about GCG 2011. First off, for those of you who dont know GCG is a weekend in Panama City Beach with colleges across the SEC. Their Christian Student Centers come together for an amazing weekend. I went with the group from Knoxville that I went camping with. Remember? Ok. I already wrote about Friday, so I am going to pick up with Saturday.
So here's my adventures from PCB and GCG.

Saturday: We got up and started our day off with the First Session. Randy Harris was the speaker. He is from Abilene Christian, and he is phenomenal. He talked to us about being Cruicformed. By that he meant that every aspect of our life reflects Christ. He also talked to us about our puzzle piece fitting into God's plan. Those were the two most prominent points of the weekend(Ill talk about those more in a little bit). After the session Bethany, Matt, Wesley, Daniel, and I went back to the boys condo, made lunch, and watched the UT Basketball game. We had a lot of fun just hanging out. We went to the afternoon session where we got to pick classes to go to. We went to a singing one. I stood between Matt and Daniel. Let me tell you, those two boys can sing. It was so uplifting and such a wonderful time of worship. After the class Bethany, Wes and I went to the beach. We played on the beach and took pictures. After a while a lot of our group showed up on the beach so we hung out with them for a while. Then we went back and got ready for super. The whole group from Knoxville, about 50 of us, went out to eat Saturday night. I sat with some new people and had a lot of fun. After supper we went back for the night session. It was so wonderful. I love hearing people who are on fire for God speak. The speaker spoke about how we are like our puzzle pieces. Imperfect and incomplete. We finished up the night by making another Walmart run for cards. We went back to the boys condo and B ended up leaving. So the boys taught me how to play Texas Hold 'Em. It was lost of fun.

Sunday: We woke up, went and ate breakfast then went to the first session. We took communion and when we did, we got to have our own puzzle piece with communion. After session, we ate lunch and got ready for XGAMES. XGames is a HUGE part of GCG. All the schools compete against each other in different events. The 3 main events were bull pen(you had a balloon tied on your ankle and the other teams were trying to pop yours), jousting, and tug-of-war. We had so much fun playing and watching the games. I watched the first two but I was on the tug-of-war team. We got cheated. Really, we did. We played 3 times before some teams even played once. Rude. haha. After Xgames, we went out to eat. B, Matt, Wesley, Daniel, Will, LJ(One of my newest and coolest friends....its a small world. She went to WKU for 3 years and her family is from BG) and I went to Red Robin and ate together. We went to the final session. In this session we heard a very touching story about a lady named Veronica, then two missionary groups got up and told their stories. Then we took up a collection. There were 1600 of us and we raised $34,000. How cool is God? After the session, we had a small devo with just UT's group. I cried like a baby, and slightly spilled my guts. I was so embarrassed. After the devo, we went back to the condo. LJ and I had some good heart to heart talk. She really helped me out a lot and gave me hope about transferring.

Monday: We woke and packed and left. I was so incredibly sad to leave. HOWEVER, on the way home Bethany, Daniel and I talked pretty much the entire 9 hours home and it was great conversations. Matt pitched in some, but him and Wesley mostly slept. I love conversations that arent forced and make you laugh. It's what builds friendship. This is exactly the type of conversation Daniel, B and I had. I thoroughly enjoyed the ride home :)

Anyways. That was my trip to GCG 2011. I can NOT wait to get back :)


Wordless Wednesday:Pish Posh

>> Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I know I promised pictures from my October Adventures but we have a glitch with that....

1. I dont have my computer to upload
2. I am in Texas so there is no way of getting my computer
3. I am IN TEXAS so that naturally means that is what I need to blog about.

On Tuesday Morning, we drove to the lovely city of Nashville to catch a plane and fly to Texas. Many people ask why Texas? Well, you see, my beloved little brother is attending college at Abilene Christian University and I have yet to come see him. (This trip was actually so my mom could come see him ;) ) So anyways we flew from Nashville to Dallas. Dallas Airport is insane, we flew from Dallas to Odessa Midland Airport(after an hour delay in Dallas) and then we rented a car and drove two and half hours to Abilene, TX. Do you know what the scenery is in West Texas? Well let me tell you. It. Is. Nothing. There are oil wells, cactus, tumbleweeds, and a lot of dry ground and rocks. My Dad loves it. Its not for me. At All. But there are some really cool windmills. That is about the most exciting thing to see.

Anyways we got here and Chelsea and Carter came to the hotel, we went to the mall where Mom Chels and I got our nails done. This was part of Chels Christmas present and it was excruciating for me. I am not a girly girl. My hands physically hurt after I have a manicure. After we walked around the mall for a little bit, we decided to go get food. We ate at a Mexican resturaunt and it was really good. No Puertos, but still good. We went to Walmart(after a failed attempt of CVS and Walgreens being closed). We were at Walmart looking at the fish and Carter screams(not just loudly says but literally screams), "THAT FISH JUST GOT IT BRAINS STABBED OUT. ITS LEAKING BRAINS. THATS SO DOPE!" Well of course this random girl and guy two rows over come running to see what had happened. Then Carter felt awkward, but it was literally what happened. A crab grabbed a fish and stuck it with its claws and its brains started leaking out. Haha. I know thats kind of graphic, but now you understand why he yelled.

Wednesday: We got up and went and ate at a Whataburger. For those of you who have never had the privilege of eating at a Whataburger, let me tell you, you are missing out. It has the best burgers I have ever ate. After that, Mom, Dad, and I met up with Carter and Chels. They took me to ACU to see Jacob's Ladder which was an amazing statue with a really cool twist. It has rocks with scripture everywhere. And an amazing brass/bronze sculpture of Jacob's dream on top of these massive stones with a water fall. The really amazing part is when you walk around to the back, the rocks form a cross which is something you can't see from the front. It gave me chills. After that Carter showed us the Bible Building and we went to the Bookstore and bought me a tshirt.

After our adventure to ACU, we went to Redbud park which has a Prairie Dog Park which was really neat. It was really cold so we didnt stay there long. We came back to the hotel and dropped off Dad, and Mom, Chels, Carter and I went to the mall to shop a little. Later tonight we came home and went to Chilis with Chels family. We met her parents and one of her sisters and her husband. It was a lot of fun and things went great! (Carter and Chels were nervous about our parents meeting). Then we went over to their house and sat around and talked for a little while. Carter and Chels came back to the hotel and we swam with Mom for a while. It's been a great(but WAY to short trip). Tomorrow we drive back to Odessa Midland Airport to get a different car, and then we are driving to see me Aunt Clara who lives in Kermit. So tomorrow we will drive about 4 hours and spend the rest of the day with her. Friday, I have to get up and fly to Florida so I will keep you posted on my adventures.
Signing Out
God Bless


The Best Concert of My Life

>> Monday, January 10, 2011

Ok, so Ive used the past weekend to update you on part of the past missing months, but because it's January I am going to tell you whats been going on with me. This year can only go up from the year 2010 which was really rough for me, so I am glad to see it off. The year 2011 couldnt have started off better for me :)

Since Chuck was put on hold for the Holidays I got ADDICTED to the show the Sing Off. For those of you who dont know the show is an Acapella singing competition and it is PHENOMENAL. For Christmas my Aunt Diane bought me a ticket to see The Whiffenpoofs who were from Yale and Street Corner Symphony who are from Nashville :) So on January 4th Jessica, Bethany, and I loaded up and took off to Nashville for a girls night. We started off at Chilis, my absolute favorite restaurant and our waiter was great. Then we went to Exit/In for the concert. Exit/In was a little place in Nashville and when we got there the line to get in wrapped down the block and around the corner. I knew for sure we were going to be stuck in the back, but when we got in there Jessica did some mad maneuvering skills and got us close enough that I could touch the stage. The place was packed! It was sold out. It was one of those little place that is standing room only and looks like a whole in the wall. Well, we were right by the men's bathroom and I saw Ben Folds walk into the bathroom. I freaked out and hit B. I forgot to tell Jess and B that when I go to concerts I am sorta/a huge spaz. Every time one of the boys walked into the bathroom I hit her. Not hard. But a slap. It was a total accident. B finally said "Amy, you have got to get a grip." Ooops. Haha. Once the concert started the Whiffenpoofs preformed. They were as wonderful as I wanted them to be. They did my favorite song from the whole season and I squealed. After they went off, Street Corner Symphony(SCS) preformed. They killed it. Jeremy Lister who is the main singer for SCS gave me chills on the tv, but seeing him live I lost my breath a couple of times. He gave me chills. If those two groups were enough they had three surprise performers! First the winners of the show came out, Committed. They were missing a couple of guys, but even with the missing guys they were great! Committed and SCS sang a few songs together and then Committed sang a few. SCS came out and said we have another surprise. I just assumed it was Ben Folds because I saw him go to the bathroom, and then J said, "Allison Krauss." I screamed so loud I hurt B's ear. She grabbed it, but you have to understand Allison Krauss was on my bucket list to see and I was all of 10 feet from her! Could it get any better than that?! The third surprise preformer was of course Ben Folds, and this is where Jess screamed loud enough to bust B's other ear. I felt bad for B for standing in between me and Jess. SCS sang a couple of more then the Whiffenpoofs and Commited came out for a final song. Well after that the noise decible was KILLER! So SCS came out and preformed another and then the Whiffenpoofs joined them for on final song. It was AMAZING!

So let me preface this next part. I have a confession. I am IN LOVE with Committed and Jeremy. Their voices are sweet like honey and smooth as silk. Jeremy was singing and Committed were sitting beside me and I thought I was going to faint. So after the concert they were just chilling so I grabbed B and made her come take a picture with me. Jessica went and got a signed posted for us. Nothing could have started the year off better than that night.

When ended up stopping at Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the Arkansas and Ohio State game, then we went home and gushed about the concert to Aunt Diane and Uncle Bobby. Anyways most of you that read my blog are my facebook friends. I posted pictures and videos so enjoy!


Sunday Recaps: October Adventure 2nd edition :)

>> Sunday, January 9, 2011

The weekend of October 15-17th was hands down one of the best weekends of my life. Let me tell you about the things that happened and when I summarize it it doesnt sound that great, but it was just what I needed.

That weekend I went camping with the College Center from UT Knoxville with Bethany Vann. There were about 40 of us who went camping at Gee Creek Campground which is close to the Hiawasee River. We stayed in tents and froze to death. Friday night, Bethany and I got there late. It was totally my fault(for the most part). I took the wrong route to get to Knoxville which cause me to hit traffic in Nashville, Cookeville and outside of Knoxville. On top of me being late, on the way there we got lost. We pulled off to side of the road, turned on the hazards, and realized we were in the middle of no where. A massive truck pulled up behind us and we started to freak out. It ended up being a real nice country boy just trying to help us out. Once we finally met up and got to the campground it was already dark. Everyone was standing around a camp fire so B started to introduce me to people, but it was already dark so it was kind of pointless. After everyone else got there(there were people later than us) our speaker, Don McLaughlin, did a devotional. After the lesson we were standing around talking and cracking up. By this time it was close to 11:30. There two guys B and T(I dont know if these boys want their names used) that decided we need to a break up a relatively large lof that had cause several people to trip. We B and T were two of the biggest hicks I have ever met. They were from West TN, loud, and hysterical. First B and tried to break the log by using blunt force. That was an epic fail. Second they tried to push the log between two trees to break it using leverage. Well this ended worse than the first time. The log snapped and it cause Travis to fall on his face which made all 40 of bust out laughing. Very loudly. Then because that didnt work the boys broke out a hand-saw. I mean who carries a saw with them to college? Seriously? These boys did. They decided the hand saw was "their only right option." We were all rolling wiht laughter which ceased quickly. A Park Ranger wcamp up and chewed us out because we were being loud. This caused us to realize two things 1. It was after midnight and quiet hour was at 10. 2. There were boy scouts and little kids all around us. Needless I say, we hushed rather quickly. For the rest of the night we hung out the fire, whispered, and giggles as quietly as possible.

Saturday: To start the morning off we woke up shivering in the tents. It was covered with frost. The bathroom was a good quarter of a mile walk and I had a stomach bug which made for a very long night. We had breakfast and Don presented another lesson. Don McLaughlin is a wonderful, moving and motivation speaker. I cried at almost every lesson. He spoke and it was everything I needed to hear. His words pierced my heart. After his lessons, those of us who were going rafting loaded up and took off to the Hiawasee. When we got there we were divided up into groups; my group consisted of B, MJ, Corey, and Wesley. Let me just say we were not a match made in heaven. A trip that was suppose to take 2 hours took our dysfunctional group 4 1/2 hours. At one point we got stuck and I got out to help us. It was the worst mistake ever. I got out and shoved the raft off. It took off without me! So for about 1 mile I was tossed, flipped and drowned by the lovely Hiawasee. By the time I got back into the raft my legs were bruised and bleeding and my nose was busted. I looked a hot mess.

Once we got back from freezing and battling the Hiawasee, we had lunch, a lesson, and just chilled for a while. There were are group of playing soccer, B and T were part of this group. T kept kicking the ball ridiculously hard and there were groups camped everywhere around us. B told T that if he hit his truck with the soccer ball he had better run for his life. Well about an hour later T did the unthinkable and hit B's truck. They took off like Duke of Hazzard boys. It was so funny. B was sliding across the hoods of cars, they were jumping over the camp fire, and running on the table. We were all laughing so hard we were crying. After free time we had supper and another lesson. After the lesson I talked to Don one on one about some issues and he gave me some great advice. While we were talking I notice everyone running to the road but I thought something stupid was happening so I didnt cut off our conversation. Once we stopped talking, I found out that the mountain we were staying on had caught on fire. Reassuring right?
State troopers were called and the fire was being contained. That night we hung out by the fire, sang, and talked. I had some of the most awkward moments of my life that night, but they made for great laughs.

Sunday: We woke up, had communion, broke down the tents, and packed up. I didnt want the weekend to end. We had one more adventure before everything was over. We were going white water rafting on the Occoee. My group had a lot of fun and one girl fell out. We laughed for hours about that. It was amazing.

I wish that weekend had never ended. In spite of the stomach bug, hike to the bathroom, freezing temps, bruises, getting lost and the mountain catching on fire, it was hands down the best weekend Ive had in a long time. It was what I needed spiritually and mentally. I thank God so much for bring the CSC into my life. They are amazing and I thank God for the way they have helped B grow.

Thanks for reading, Signing Out
God Bless You!


Recap Saturdays: The Adventure 1 of October :)

>> Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ive been promising to recap a lot things so I decided to use Saturdays(and possibly Sundays) as my day to recap on the missing months of my blog. So lets start with October. In October I worked, went to school and took an amazing trip and met a new friend. It was pretty awesome. The majority of my story telling for the next little bit will consist of my trip to West Virginia so bear with me and enjoy the ride :)

October 6th-8th
I went away to this wonderful little oasis with my friend, Jessica Durham. I wanted a escape form reality so I picked somewhere in the little bitty state of West Virgina. I picked West Virginia because I had never been there and it was only a 4 hours drive(it would help me with my bucket list to see all 50 states). I picked Hunting, WV so I could see where Marshal University was and it had a precious little place with cabins called Heritage Farms. On the way to WV we had a trip that seemed to take no time what so ever. When we got there and checked in we were giddy. Heritage Farms was the quaintest place I had ever seen. It had little historic town and several cabins and older houses people were staying in. It was a precious little place. We walked into our cabin. We both squealed. IT WAS HUGE. Let me take you on mental tour close your eyes and imagine(well..close your eyes after you read so you will know what to think about) It had enough room to sleep 12 people. It was filled with antiques and was amazing. We had a beautiful view of a valley with a barn and long fence. The log cabin had two porches with swings. The loft of the cabin was large enough to have 3 full beds, a love seat and 3 sets of drawers. The living room had 2 couches, a fire place, NO tv, books, games, and the largest red area rug Ive ever see. Off the hallway was 2 full baths, a linen closet, and a laundry room. The kitchen had two stove, one electric and one wood burning stove. In the center of a room was a large oval wood table. Through the kitchen was the master bedroom and another bathroom. This is where we slept. It had a n old oak bed with detailed carvings of roses and swirls on the 8 foot high head board. Two bed side tables with the cutest lamps ever, a couch, and two dresses were also in the room. The lamps were so neat! Would you like to know why the lamps were so fascinating to me? Oh you do? Of course, I would be glad to enlighten you! The first click turned on a kerosene part of the lamp, the second click turned on the lamp part the the third click turned on the kerosene AND electric part! Precious. I sure believe so.
Here are some pictures so you can understand why we freaked out.

Moving On Ward: After out massive freak out, we decided what we were going to do because we came with no plans. We picked out a church to attend and decided to drive and go antique shopping there until church time. When we got to the town we did a little shopping. No luck. We realized we were starving and the only place we could find to eat looked like a lean to shanty. We were out of options, but let me tell you I am so glad we were. It was so scrumptious. It ended up being a family owned restaurant who had been in business for over 40 years. It had the best hamburger I have ever ate in my life. After we left the restaurant we went to church. We got there late and that ended up being very awkward because when we walked in, Jess and I made up a fourth of the church and we were the youngest there by a good 50 years. They were precious people. We drove to Marshal and took pictures, scoped out things to do and found some exciting possibilities. After our drive to Huntington we went back to the cabin and watched some movies and did some star gazing. Wednesday was great, but the best was yet to come.

Fast Forward to Thursday: We got up and Jess cooked breakfast, then we embarked on our journey. First we went antique shopping in downtown Huntington. After shopping we drove to Marshal. Marshal is the sole reason for me picking Huntington. We drove around and took pictures then we went and ate lunch at the Marhsal cafe. I was so excited. After we ate we drove around and I happened to find a park. We got our took pictures walked around and just hung out for a while. There was this really cool bridge that crossed the river we were playing by. I wanted to cross the bridge. So after a couple of hours, Jess and I drove across the bridge. In the process of crossing the bridge, we ended up in Ohio. I freaked out. I didnt realize we were sitting across from Ohio in WV. AND I didnt realize that the river we were playing by was the Ohio River. That meant that I got to cross of two states for my goal to see all 50. We went into a Wedding Dress and Ammunition Store(odd combination that I found ironically humorous). Then we headed off to our big plans for the rest of the night. We discovered that there is Pumpkin Festival the weekend we were in town so we HAD to go. I bought amazing apple and pumpkin butter. The pumpkin festival was like a massive fall festival with lots of pumpkins, crafts, homemade items, wonderful food and wonderful smells. It was such a wonderful experience. On the way back to the cabin we at a place called Frostys. Frostys was a drive-in, but not like Sonic. It was just like the one on Happy Days. The guy came to your car to take your order, you parked, he delivered, and you honked when you were done. They had massive mugs that had coke and rootbeer floats. It was heavenly. We finished that night at the cabin watching Mighty Ducks and eating cookies.

Friday: On the way home, we stopped and ate at a place called Soda Pop Junction. It was a place that was just like something out of a 50s movie with bar stools and a pharmacy in the back. It was so cute and the food was great. It was a wonderful and blessed trip. Once we got home, I unpacked but didnt stay home very long because that night I went to a Jeremy Camp concert in Nashville with Emily Potter. When then went and hung out with Cash and his roommate Asher(thats the new friend I made this month).

Ok, so now that you have read my novel I hope you enjoyed. I will post pictures from this trip on Wordless Wednesdays this week :)

I love you! God Bless


Prayer Request

>> Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I have a request. One of my best friend in the whole world is haveing surgery. His name is Klent(to me is Klento Mento or Klento Bean). He is having surgery to have his colon removed. This is a really hard decision to make, but his Crohn's disease has gotten to the point that there arent many options. Please keep him and his family in his prayers for tomorrow and the next little bit. God Bless You All :)


Maxi Freeze is NOT the same as Icy Hot!

>> Monday, January 3, 2011

Let me tell you about my New Years Eve! I worked. Haha. It was an absolutely awful night. I get to work at 7pm well I didnt sit down until 520am and then a fire alarm went off so that woke everyone up again. All kinds of fun. Not. Anyways when I get home after nights like that I have to unwind. I cant just go straight to sleep. So I took a shower, watched some tv then I went and got ready to get into bed. I was laying there trying to mentally calm down, well I did but my body was aching so bad that I couldnt sleep. Just every muscle hurt(all of the nurses and I had to take Excedrine Back and Body at like 3 cause we were all hurting so bad). So I asked Mom if we had any icy hot. She said no but I have some stuff that's better. I said Ok. Let me have have it. So we the proceeded to put it all over my back, arms and legs. I laid down. Well let me tell you this stuff is IcyHot but without the Hot. I was shivering and couldnt stop. I laid there just shaking and because it's already in your skin you cant get it out, so I had to jump and go shower. It was miserable. So lesson learned: DO NOT EVER USE MAXI FREEZE. haha. ANYWAYS. I hope you all had a wonderful new year. I plan on using this week of blogging to catch you up on my previous trips and what not.
God Bless
Love you all


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