Wordless Wednesday:Pish Posh
>> Wednesday, January 12, 2011
I know I promised pictures from my October Adventures but we have a glitch with that....
1. I dont have my computer to upload
2. I am in Texas so there is no way of getting my computer
3. I am IN TEXAS so that naturally means that is what I need to blog about.
On Tuesday Morning, we drove to the lovely city of Nashville to catch a plane and fly to Texas. Many people ask why Texas? Well, you see, my beloved little brother is attending college at Abilene Christian University and I have yet to come see him. (This trip was actually so my mom could come see him ;) ) So anyways we flew from Nashville to Dallas. Dallas Airport is insane, we flew from Dallas to Odessa Midland Airport(after an hour delay in Dallas) and then we rented a car and drove two and half hours to Abilene, TX. Do you know what the scenery is in West Texas? Well let me tell you. It. Is. Nothing. There are oil wells, cactus, tumbleweeds, and a lot of dry ground and rocks. My Dad loves it. Its not for me. At All. But there are some really cool windmills. That is about the most exciting thing to see.

Anyways we got here and Chelsea and Carter came to the hotel, we went to the mall where Mom Chels and I got our nails done. This was part of Chels Christmas present and it was excruciating for me. I am not a girly girl. My hands physically hurt after I have a manicure. After we walked around the mall for a little bit, we decided to go get food. We ate at a Mexican resturaunt and it was really good. No Puertos, but still good. We went to Walmart(after a failed attempt of CVS and Walgreens being closed). We were at Walmart looking at the fish and Carter screams(not just loudly says but literally screams), "THAT FISH JUST GOT IT BRAINS STABBED OUT. ITS LEAKING BRAINS. THATS SO DOPE!" Well of course this random girl and guy two rows over come running to see what had happened. Then Carter felt awkward, but it was literally what happened. A crab grabbed a fish and stuck it with its claws and its brains started leaking out. Haha. I know thats kind of graphic, but now you understand why he yelled.
Wednesday: We got up and went and ate at a Whataburger. For those of you who have never had the privilege of eating at a Whataburger, let me tell you, you are missing out. It has the best burgers I have ever ate. After that, Mom, Dad, and I met up with Carter and Chels. They took me to ACU to see Jacob's Ladder which was an amazing statue with a really cool twist. It has rocks with scripture everywhere. And an amazing brass/bronze sculpture of Jacob's dream on top of these massive stones with a water fall. The really amazing part is when you walk around to the back, the rocks form a cross which is something you can't see from the front. It gave me chills. After that Carter showed us the Bible Building and we went to the Bookstore and bought me a tshirt.

After our adventure to ACU, we went to Redbud park which has a Prairie Dog Park which was really neat. It was really cold so we didnt stay there long. We came back to the hotel and dropped off Dad, and Mom, Chels, Carter and I went to the mall to shop a little. Later tonight we came home and went to Chilis with Chels family. We met her parents and one of her sisters and her husband. It was a lot of fun and things went great! (Carter and Chels were nervous about our parents meeting). Then we went over to their house and sat around and talked for a little while. Carter and Chels came back to the hotel and we swam with Mom for a while. It's been a great(but WAY to short trip). Tomorrow we drive back to Odessa Midland Airport to get a different car, and then we are driving to see me Aunt Clara who lives in Kermit. So tomorrow we will drive about 4 hours and spend the rest of the day with her. Friday, I have to get up and fly to Florida so I will keep you posted on my adventures.
Signing Out
God Bless
Sounds like a great trip! I like desert scenery..has a beauty of its own. Travel safe!
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