Close Friends For Life

>> Monday, January 31, 2011

Its been 6 days since Ive blogged, but 6 days is better than 6 months like my normal dry spell. Yes? Yes. Glad you agree. Ok, friends, please be patient with me while I start my balancing act again. I really do love to blog, but its hard for me too when my schedule gets like it is. I literally write almost every minute of everyday in. I am taking 16 hours of classes and working full-time, so when I am not doing those two things I am with my friends and family trying to make the most of things. Anyways I wanted to tell you this really cool story so here it goes. Im going to try to blog tonight before I go into work(Im bitter I have to work during the week with school, but thats my boss for you). Here it goes....

Ive been really down lately about blogging because I feel like no one reads it. I know I have a one loyal reader(thank you Mamaw), but still it is alot of work to sit down and make yourself write and take out time to do it. Ive been really discouraged about doing it. No comments. No nothing. Nada. You know? Anyways. This isnt a sob story, its the back story to my cool story. SOOOO. I was thinking about closing up shop with one final blog last week then I got this really cool email from one of my best friends. Her name is Abby. She is one of the most beautiful people I know. Inside and out. God has her in my life for multiple reasons, but she always sends me random messages when I am down. The really cool thing is she normally sends them without me saying Abby, Im depressed. She just always sends them at the right time. God has us on the same wavelength. I dont think I do that for her; I wish I had her intuition. This week she sent me one saying how my blog was her entertainment for the night :) AND she used my one about the puzzle piece to help one of her friends out. That was what meant the most to me. Like seriously?!(There's the Grey's for you, CC) Her email made my day. So thank you ACC!! We are friends!

Anyways, yall might not have appreciated that like I did, but still it meant something to me. Ill try to blog later, because its Not Me Monday and I have a really embarrassing story to tell you, but right now I have to go. So have a blessed day!
Signing Off!
God Bless


Unknown January 31, 2011 at 1:09 PM  

I check your blog every day, Amy! Just wanted you to know. :O) I love you!

Anonymous February 4, 2011 at 5:28 AM  

Amy Wells, you are awesome. period.

Anonymous February 9, 2011 at 8:03 AM  

You are an inspiration. I really need some Amy Wells time soon, please. I'm so glad that Abby is always there for you. She's a great friend. :)

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