Dining Area

Our Kitchen

Our Living Room

Our Balcony

Lauren(Texas) and Morgan(NY/Ohio)'s Room

Julie(Connecticut) and Nicole(Michigan)'s Rooms

My Bathroom

Allison(Jersey) and my Closet

My Room
I know Im not suppose to use words but I get to use captions cause Im a newbie(that's my excuse). DISCLAIMER: we arent boring with decorations. We aren't allowed to have them in the apartment. Thank you Disney :p
Geneva said...Love your apartment!...and the fact that you will refer to your fellow 16201 dwellers by their state is great! I sure do miss your incredible smile, but am so happy for the people down there who are being blessed by getting to know you :)
and then Geneva said...Am I missing the "become a follower button" or do you not have one..and these secret words that I have to type are starting to give me a complex..this one is "domer" which could sound like dumber and the one last night was something like looser. Whatever
Hey Geneva Bo Beva. I added a Followers link :)
yaaaay!!! i love it! :)
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